Goings On
(published early October 2000)

Wind Wizzards:
October 14 El Mirage
October 28-29 El Mirage
November 18 El Mirage
November 23 thru 26 Time Trials (at Ivanpah)
December 9 Christmas Party
December 16-17 Christmas Parade of Lights (El Mirage)

For information contact Reg Williams

Thanksgiving Sailing Trials: Ivanpah Dry Lake
November 22 to 26 (with most activity from the 23rd to 25th).
We are planning minor changes in the Thanksgiving event.  It seems that this guy from Vermont has put the all-out speed record a bit out of reach for the rest of us for the time being.   We plan to race informally if the wind is right, do speed trials if there is enough wind and if there is no wind, measure things that affect boat performance.  Bring your measurement tools and ideas. Robert Webber is working on getting plaques for each class for the fastest boat.  There will be a small (as yet undetermined)  fee to defray the costs of BLM permits and to start to pay for the speed record plaques.   If you would like additional information contact Floyd White (702-361-1006).

Americas Cup: Late March 2001: Ivanpah
        More details on this event will be published on this web site by late December.

The World and European Championships will be/have been sailed in Tersheling Holland on October 7-13.  Dennis Bassano, Nord Embroden, Jim Goss and Curtis Obi and  are representing North America.
The offical site for event is  http://www.strandzeilen.nl
Merv Hurley's insightful and entertaining view of the goings on.http://www.landsailing.co.uk/

World Championships: Late March 2002, Ivanpah:
        More details will be published on this web site by January 2001

The next PACRIM is being planned for Australia in February 2004.  David Rose and Ross Gamlin report they’re looking at a site along South Australia’s South East coast, not far from Mount Gambier (a very pretty place called Beachport). We will provide more information as it becomes available.

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