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North American Land Sailling Association

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What’s a NALSA?
Every now and then it’s important for an organization to step back and take a look at what it is and why it exists. Members of NALSA are the landsailing clubs. Individuals are indirect members of NALSA only by being members of a local club.

The North American Land Sailing Association (NALSA) was incorporated in 1972, and it’s Articles of Incorporation include the following:

The specific and primary purposes are to promote the sport and pastime of land sailing for the enjoyment of members of the Association and to provide a forum for communication among the members that will advance the sport.

The general purpose is to further develop an exciting, safe, non-polluting form of recreation; to publish for the benefit of members information on research, organizations and activities associated with the sport; to identify and establish areas suitable for performance of the sport of land sailing; to furnish to members land operating rules, racing rules and safety regulations; to assist in making land sailing vehicles available to members; and, generally, to promote interest and participation in the sport of land sailing in furtherance of the primary purposes of the Association.

— Kent Hatch, former NALSA President

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Nalsa Contacts:

NALSA President: Mary Robinson

NALSA Treasurer: Mark Harris email:

NALSA Webmaster: email